
Purpose of the Association:

Association Mother of God, Patroness of Good Death named also Apostolate of Good Death, is a prayerful association to prepare for a worthy, Christian death. Those who enter this association, through their prayers and sufferings desire to obtain:

  • for faithful Catholics - perseverance in sanctifying grace
  • for me indifferent and sinners - the grace of conversion
  • for everyone - a good and holy death

Realizing this purpose: often directing their thoughts to eternity and trying to avoid sin, in order to be ready for death at any moment, nourishing particular devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Joseph.

Members of the Association:

They have a share in the merits flowing from common prayers of all members, participate in privileges and graces, fruits of Holy Masses celebrated for their intentions. In Poland, Holy Mass is celebrated every day for living and deceased members of the Association.

There are three degrees by which one may belong to the association:

  1. Registration in the Book of the Association, which is synonymous with placing oneself under the protection of the Mother of God, Patroness of Good Death.
  2. Registration in the Book of the Association and committing oneself to say morning and evening 3 times: the “Hail Mary…” with the invocation: “Mother of God, Patroness of Good Death - pray for us”, “St. Joseph -pray for us”.
  3. Prayer prescribed for the second degree, and every evening examination of conscience, also once a month (for example on the First Friday or 1st Saturday of the month), receive the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist, and even a short reflection on death

The problem of death touches every human being because dying is reality. The man of faith knows perfectly well that death is the gate to eternal life based on the merits of our life. Among the persons who every day leave this world, (above 200 thousand), the majority - ever Catholics - are not properly prepared for this moment. No wonder that Pope Benedict XV, encouraging people to become members of the Association, said: “It is a last board of rescue at the hour of death.” People have witnessed the beneficial help received from the Mother of God (Lady of Sorrows) by those who have devoted themselves to her and entrusted her with the last moments of their life. Many conversions have taken place - even among people who for many years lived far from God, His love, His commandments, His pardon and grace. Following registration in the Book of the Association, every member will receive a small diploma or booklet containing prayers proper to the Association. It is possible evidently to be registered first to degree I., then personally pass on to degrees II. and III. The prescribed prayers and practices for degrees II. and III. are voluntary obligations. Admission to the Association is gratuitous, though on the occasion of registration or later, you may freely deposit an offering for the development of the work. Registration to the Association is possible by writing directly to the address of the Apostolate or by mediators, who sponsor the Association among Christian families in some parishes of our country. The Association publishes a quarterly bulletin under the title: “Hope and Life” (in polish). It helps strengthen links among members and fosters a deeper devotion to Mary. Those who wish to become members or the Association and benefit from the help from the Mother of God now and at the hour of death, simply fill out the form below, and send it to the address:

  • Apostolstwo Dobrej Śmierci
  • Górka Klasztorna
  • 89-310 Łobżenica
  • Poland

Gorka Klasztorna is the place of revelation of the Mother of God in the year 1079. This shrine was particularly close to the heart of the Servant of God, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, who in 1965 did crown a Miraculous Image of the Mother of God in Gorka. The latter is the site of many pilgrimages and special graces from the Mother of God. To get to the shrine: from Bydgoszcz, Pila and Zlotow by bus to Lobzenica, then walk 1 km.


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Szybki kontakt


 Górka Klasztorna, 89-310 Łobżenica

 +48 67 286 00 38, +48 504 667 014

 26 8938 0006 0000 1759 2000 0012